Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vacation Time

I am so excited!!!  I am going on vacation! Being a USAF wife is a very tough job. My husband has deployed many times and leaves for a few weeks here and there for trips. Well this time momma is leaving for a trip without my husband and kids. Yes I did say that no hubby or kids! I know you are saying what? Well I needed a break.

For those of you who live by your family you tend to have people to help you out with your kids every now and then. For us military people we tend to depend on our adopted family, our military friends, to help us with ours. I have to say that some of my dearest friends I have met in the military and miss them once one of us moves.  Every now and then a momma needs her time to recoup and gather her thoughts. That is what this trip I hope will do for me.

I am headed to Arkansas and Missouri with my mom and dad to visit some of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Growing up we have always been a very close family. I have not had the pleasure of seeing some of them for quite a while now. I miss them so much and am so glad that we have this opportunity to visit. I could have chosen to stay at home for the week or even just stay at my mom and dad's, but I want to be rejuvenated by the love of family. Family is the one who knows the true you and I so need that right now.

I hope to return to my hubby and kids a better woman, wife, and mother after I have relaxed a bit. I will treasure this time with my parents and already miss my kids so much. I have never been away from the twins overnight and only a few times with the other 2. I know that this is a much needed trip!

I will be gone this weekend and most of next week so I will not be posting. I am gonna take this time for myself and reflect on myself and my life. I hope that y'all have a great week and that God blesses you with His Grace!


Miss Molly said...

I pray it is just what you need!!!

Amanda said...

Amen! It's hard being a Military wife, with no family close. Hope you have a great visit! Stay safe!

The Mama Monkey said...

ENJOY!! I am totally jealous! I get to do that occasionally. It sure makes me a better Mom when I get back!

~Chris~ said...

Hope you are having a relaxing time. How many times has Kev called ya yet, ha ha.. Hugs and miss ya!!

Teresa Jenkins said...

Hope you have a wonderful vacation! I am jealous too! I had my first overnight away from my son last Oct... and he is 6... it was overdue! So glad you are taking time for yourself!

Laura said...

I hope you have a fantastic time!

Cheryl said...

Whitney, I hope you enjoyed your vacation!

KER said...

yay for safe/be well